Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Nagano -FJMGP GPF Event
July,20,2008 , Suwako Heights, Sougo Fukushi Center 3rd floor Convention Hall

Special Thanks to the host --- Nagano Family !
Reported By:
Mr. Ronnie C. Delos Santos
Mr. Eddie Panuncia

Konichiwa brothers and sisters! We've just finished our event in Suwa City,Nagano Prefecture.The Nagano FJMGP-GPF turned out to be successfull thrue the cooperation and support of brothers and sisters.The guest were all inspired by the message of our keynote speaker, kuya FJBCA-East Region Leader, Reuben Cruz and the other two speakers, Mr.Yuichi Uchiyama and Mr. Augustine Zacharias.They talked about the role and purpose of the GPF and the last year GPF-Phils.2007.Participants were around 60 in number from the 3 major Filipino Organization in Suwa. And the leaders of the said orgs. gave their reflections and their pledge of contribution to the next event. Mr.Aplacador who is the President of the UFO (United Filipino Organization) even pledge that on the next event, he will invite 500 persons to participate. He is connected to many organization here in japan as well as in the phils.The event were highlighted by different entertainment.
We invited 2 professional singers,they were the 2nd and 3rd placer in the utawit song competition in matsumoto city and a dance group who performed an ethnic muslim dance.Not only that, the event were blessed by the Tong-il MO DO Association headed by their very kind,humble master Mr.Takamitsu Hoshiko who demostrated their skills in martial arts.I forgot to mention ate Lina Obara who is the incumbent President of the FJMGP gave an orientation to the participants together with ate lala.On the last part of the program,all were requested to stand and hold hands to sing the theme song of the GPF, as they sing,you will notice the peace in their hearts not to mention the inspiration they recieved on that day.
The FJMGP-GPF really touched the hearts of the participants and somehow we hope that the seed that we planted on them will grow and bear fruits for our future generations. Anyway the purpose of the this gathering is to inform them of the coming GPF Phils. on December, for them to invite their family and friends to attend the event. We would like also to give our thanks to Kuya Allan Cadano who is now in the Phils. for his prayer support.

The Nagano group want to convey our deepest gratitude to those who invested their hearts for the success of the event.
Mr. Reuben G. Cruz
Mrs.Angelina Obara
Mr. Arnold Heramis
Mrs. Nora Hasegawa
Mr. Boy Navarro
Mrs.Sandy Uchida

Mr. Robert Alcamfor

Mrs. Edna Yamaguchi

Mrs. Ella Uchiyama

Mrs. Ethell Hayakawa

Mrs. Roselle Saito

Ms. Arlene Maravilla

Mrs. Keiko Uehara Panuncia

Mrs. Yoko Kobayashi Delos Santos

Ms. Mia Diste

And a Very Special Thanks to Master Takamitsu Hoshiko inspite of his busy schedule, He gave us his time and energy for the success of the event. From the bottom of our hearts, Domo Arigato Gozaimasuta! !!

Pls. click the link below in order to view the pictures of the event.
http://picasaweb. ronniedelossanto s2008/NaganoGPF2 008

....See you all the next local Japan GPF Event !!!

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