Saturday, September 27, 2008

FJMGP officers and Filipino group leaders meeting

Group dynamic activity with Flipino Community Leaders

Sept. 21, 2008 , YFWP Office, Shinjuku Ku , Tokyo

Some Filipino group leaders were invited for a group dynamic activity with the FJMGP officers to discuss how effective can we bring Filipino friends to the Nov.15 GPF event in Tokyo.

The morning session was a meeting among the officers on clarifying the relationship between GPF, FJMGP and the Filipino Community . GPF is a project of UPF. GPF Japan is one of the many GPF Chapters globally. One partners of GPF Japan is FJMGP. FJMGP is in partnership with different Filipino Organizations. During the officers` meeting, everyone understood that FJMGP has an important role to lead the Filipino Community in alignment to the objectives of the Global Peace Festival. Also one of the output of the meeting was the "magic 8" potential benefits of being partners with FJMGP. This was presented to the afternoon session participants.

1. Group exposure at the Global Peace Exhibition booth and during the performances on the stage.
2. Networking with other FJMGP Peace Partners
3. Manpower Assistance during Group Events
Provision of counselor or resource speaker for family related seminars
5. Providing Foreign Culture Education to Multi racial children
6. Medical Service
7. Self Fulfillment
8. Recommendation to Peace Ambassador Award

The afternoon session , leaders from the different Filipino organizations arrived for a GPF orientation and mingled with the FJMGP officers for a the group dynamic activity. A quick strategic discussion was facilitated by Brian Dirige focused on the question- “How to effectively bring people to the Nov. 15 Event?”
Ideas from each participants were written in post-it papers save time. One post it per ideas. All ideas were posted on the board , similar ideas were grouped in different categories. Easiness and difficulty of executing the ideas were identified and mapped against which ones have high or low impact that can bring results. Ideas that are grouped near the easy method with a high impact became the focus area. What, when and who will be designated for each idea chosen to be worked on.
Output of the group dynamic is as follows:
1. Thru MEDIA- posting announcement in Filipino, international, and Japanese
magazines/newspapers. Radio - commercial in TV- Filipino channels like TFC-ABS-CBN, WINS- Channel 7.
2.Reach out for inter-religious groups -announcement in Mass, Sunday Services, church gatherings
3. E-communication- Friendster, etc.
4. Strategic place--Visit people residing in the areas near the venue
5. Connect to Filipino organizations -connect with PAG
6.Networking with friends
7. Group leaders meeting- give GPF orientation
9. Posters, flyers- distribute thru philippine stores, phil. clubs, Philippine Embassy, consulate offices, international stores(ex.National Azabu) , Philippine Banks

Special Thanks to following guests :
Merlyn Morita- LFCAJ , Licensed Filipino Caregivers Association in Japan P.R.O.
Sonia Yamashita- LFCAJ -P.R.O.
Ricky Lumenario- ALAB
Lara Porciuncula- AFSJ , Association of Filipino Students in Japan , President

Jera Lego- AFSJ

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