Saturday, September 20, 2008

Peace Partnership Event@Kanto/Tokyo

GPF Orientation and Partnership Event
(International Family Festival)
Tokyo/Kanto Region

Sept 13, 2008 , Shinjuku Bunka Center
Reported by: Brian Dirige
In line with the series of pre-GPF orientation and mobilization events across Japan, The FJMGP co-sponsored a GPF Orientation Program as well as Peace Partnership Event for Filipino Community last Sept 13, 2008 at the Shinjuku Bunka Center , where a hundred Filipinos came from 12 represented Filipino Organization in Tokyo under the theme : " Filipino Community, Partners for Peace".The program started from 2:30pm and ended around 5:00pm which was followed by same kind of event sponsored by the international groups at the same venue hall.

Angie Obara , the ever active and energetic FJMGP leader welcomed the audience carrying everyone`s enthusiasm. She explained the role of FJMGP in alignment with the GPF objectives. GPF had recognized FJMGP as one of its many partners in realizing a peaceful family,community, nation, and world. In fact, FJMGP is co-chair in the Executive Committee GPF Japan-International Group. To realize such partnership, FJMGP believes that without co-existence with other active Filipino organizations in Japan, it will not be possible. This is reason why Partnership Event took place where each of the organizations present were asked to sign the Peace Partnership Agreement as part of the programme. Other regions in Japan are encouraged to find Peace Partners of FJMGP in their areas so as to be connected to the GPF-Japan.

Mr. Koji Matsuda, Japan GPF Executive Committee-Director of Event Exhibition was the main speaker and emphasized that Filipinos in Japan can become bridge of peace for a change in the Japanese Culture . He shared a preview of what would the Nov15 Japan GPF at Ajinomoto Statium would be like. Among the embassies in Japan, the Philippines was among those committed to participate where booths from every country will be around the big stadium. He shared the 4 themes of GPF which are FAMILY, SERVICE, COOPERATION, and CO-EXISTENCE. The content of his speech is focused on rebuilding the family and education for young people, spreading the culture of service, strengthening conscience and moral values by interreligious cooperation and realizing the society of multiracial co-existence.

Ms. Mari Nihei , TKO President Ms. Eleanor Fukuda , ODAN-J President gave their congratulatory speech and reflections as representatives from the guests. They expressed their inspiration of what hey have learned form this orientation program and were very enthusiastic in signing up Peace Partner Agreement and committed to engaging their group in helping bring Filipinos to the Nov 15. GPF Japan. At the entertainment part of the program, the TIMD group was there to perform unique martial arts ballet featuring the PEACE form and CREATION form. The PEACE form renderred by the TIMD kids attracted the attention from the audience. Mayang Nihei of TKO performed a graceful dance rendition of Tahiti and a full of energy pop dance. Also, there was a raffle draw where most of the give aways were sponsored by the AFWP (Arts Festival for World Peace ). Thanks to Masato Obara for arranging the sposorship.
Just right after the event another similar related event was hosted by the International Group where FJMGP President was invited to share the mobilization activities . IFA (International Family Association), one of the partners of FJMGP was there as well to give assistance to the occassion.
Our appreciations and recognition to the following leaders who were present at the occassion.
1.Ms Cora Kasuga , FICAP Secretary General ( Filipina Circle for Advancement and Progress ) , (FICAP is member of PAG
Exec.Committe) , FJMGP Adviser
2.Ms. Eleanor
Fukuda , ODAN-J, President (Organization for the Development and Advancement of Negros in Japan)
3.Ms. Mari Nihei , TKO , President (Teatro Kanto Organization ) ; Adviser for JANE (Japan Association of Novo Ecijanos )
4. Mr. Robert Alcamfor ,TIMD President , TIMD Phil in Japan
5. Ms Lita S. Tahira , UFPA Vice President (United Filipinos in Peace and Advancement )
6.Mr. Ricky Lumenario , ALAB Reresentative (Asosasyon ng Lahing Batangueno)
7.Mr. Ricky Lumenario , PML (Philipine Men`s League) Representative
8. Marty M Timbol , Philippine Embassy Trade and Industry Dept ,Staff Representative
9. Ms Cecil Iizuka , LFCAJ (Licensed Filipino Caregivers Assn in Japan ) ,Press Relation Officer
10.Ms Helen Francisco , Media Representative( FM Radio DJ )
11. Mr Chris Mendoza , Mr Noel Cristobal , FMN ( Filipino Maritime Network) Representatives
12. Mr. Atsushi Nodab , Mr. Tadashi Kitamura , Prudential Bank

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